Wednesday, September 8, 2010

"Breath of Life"

In the begining of June I had inspiration.
It was like a flood gate opened up and an out pouring started to happen.
God's unplugged some stuff in my life and made a clearer path for me to hear Him.

So began my "Life Line", a line of clothing God inspired and Spirit directed. Sounds odd, I know.

As I began to pray for certain people, ideas would pop into my head, I'd draw them out, and then make them into the shirts you can see below on my blog.

But I had 2 designs that had no people.

So I have been praying for people to go with the designs. And waiting. Anxious to create, but making myself wait.

"Breath of Life" is the title of one of the designs.

Last week I had coffee with a friend who is currently separated from her husband. She shared her story, full of heart ache, hardship, loss, and loniness. She shared about not really knowing where God is taking her, not seeing what will come of this mess, and as she spoke,


"Breath of Life"

It symbolizes being blown in God's winds.

The thing with wind's not really gentle. It can be rough, and sometimes it can hurt.

And like a leaf being tossed about, sometimes it is hard to tell which way is up.

But when the wind is directed by God, no matter how hurtful and hard and confusing, you can at least rest in the fact that it is Good.

As I created this piece and prayed for the wearer, it came to mind that I needed to place something on the inner part of the hood. A prayer of protection of sort.
Psalm 91, now a visable prayer of protection to guard against hurtful words and old mindsets as she grows and battles against the Powers that work against her.
If you think of it, pray for my friend. She is an incredible woman of Faith, a true follower of our Lord and King. She is a woman of wisdom, and remains steadfast to the promises of Christ Jesus.

a part of Imperfect Prose at


  1. I am overwhelmingly amazed at the art of these clothes. AMAZING!

  2. so beautiful, and love the designs.... i found you from emilys blog :)

  3. This made me cry. For your friend, who is so wounded, and for the Lord's love shed through you, prepared in advance, to give to her. And for your words of truth about the "winds of God."

  4. The wind blows where it will, and no one can see it. But I see His Spirit blowing through you, through your fingers, through your heart, blessing others with your gift.

  5. your clothing is beautiful! i love the lines and colours, but also the Spirit-inspiration and encouragement. I will try to pray for your friends.

  6. even though you already told me this story, i'm crying. i got shivers when you wrote "i heard him." and then--"breath of life." whew. and then, the bit about winds blowing--so, so, so true. i love the way you waited. he blesses those who wait. love to you, sister.
